Thursday, March 7, 2013


This blog is with a purpose to capture the Malayalam Reading Lessons / Exercises / Quizzes that I am posting in a forum currently.

The posts will be organized in this form, for each lesson:
  • Lesson / Exercise in one blog post
  • Followed by quiz in the second blog post
  • And then, solutions to the quiz in the third blog post
For detailed discussions, Q & A etc, the readers are encouraged to go directly to the forum (link below) and check the contents:

No comments / discussions are intended to be carried out in this blog. Those will be handled in that forum ONLY!

That way, this blog is more of a place-holder / back-up kind.

This will also serve as a resource for someone who wants to recall something quickly as things are organized / indexed here. That way, it could help to check specific details without walking through pages of discussion.

Thank you for visiting!